Our new paper entitled article “Experimental estimation of the delayed neutron fraction βeff of the MAESTRO core in the MINERVE zero power reactor” has been published in the Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. It is available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/8MXgXmUDmiuPrfBZNzdZ/full
The paper is about a new and very cool method to measure the delayed neutron fraction of a reactor core at zero power. The method was developed and tested during an experimental campaign in the MINERVE zero power reactor, located in Cadarache research center, during September 2013. This study was presented in PHYSOR 2014, Kyoto, Japan, and is the product of a fruitful collaboration with scientists from CEA DEN/CAD/DER/SPEx/LPE, headed by Dr. Patrick Blaise.
9:36 AM – 11 May 2015 · Details
#JournalofNuclearScienceandTechnology #experimentalcorephysics #MINERVEzeropowerreactor #BGU #corephysics #Delayedneutronsfraction #CEA #inpilemeasurements #reactorphysics