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Congratulation to Roy Gross and Johan Cufe for winning the Ph.D. Krietman scholarship

Writer's picture: Erez GiladErez Gilad

The Kreitman School of Advanced Graduate Studies Committee of the University Senate has decided to award the prestigious Kreitman scholarship to Ph.D. student Roy Gross and Ph.D. candidate Johan Cufe. Roy and Johan are students in the Reactor Physics Group and study towards their Ph.D. under the joint supervision of Prof. Erez Gilad and Dr. Daniele Tomatis (SERMA/CEA).

Roy Gross won the Kreitman fellowship for outstanding midway students. Roy was awarded the fellowship for his academic achievements during his Ph.D. studies, including the publication of two papers in the past year. Roy is studying a novel technique to obtain highly accurate solutions to the neutron flux distribution using the diffusion approximation and the integral transport theory. The method, called the “Ronen method,” is based on an idea published in 2004 by Prof. Yigal Ronen from the Nuclear Engineering department at BGU.

Johan Cufe won the Kreitman fellowship for outstanding new Ph.D. students. Johan was awarded the fellowship based on his excellent academic achievements in his B.Sc. and M.Sc. studies, which he graduated in Sapienza – University of Rome. Johan will study the application of the “Ronen method” to neutron diffusion nodal codes to improve their accuracy. Johan’s Ph.D. research is a part of a collaboration agreement between Framatome, CEA, and BGU.

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