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Refereed Journals

  1. L. Nahon, T. Bar Kohany, Y. Aharon, E. Rabinovich, A. Biton, E. Gilad, 2024,
    The effect of the radial heat loss, upper reservoir temperature, and corrugated wall channel on the flooding critical heat flux,
    Progress in Nuclear Energy 168, 105038 [LINK] [PDF]

  2. H. Abuzlf, C. Castagna, T. Makmal, O. Aviv, Z. Yungrais, G. Gabrieli, U. Steinitz, I. Neder, E. Gilad, 2023,
    High-fidelity Monte Carlo analysis of highly-localized fission power peaking near a flux trap in an MTR core,
    International Journal of Energy Research 2023, 9727367 [LINK] [PDF]

  3. O. Aviv, S. Nissim, M. Brandis, Z. Yungrais, L. Weissman, A. Shor, E. Gilad, 2023,
    Evaluating the intensity of the 803-keV γ ray of 210Po using a 4παβ(LS)-γ(HPGe) measurement system,
    Applied Radiation and Isotopes 199, 110891 [LINK] [PDF]

  4. R. Gross, J. Cufe, D. Tomatis, E. Gilad, 2022
    Comprehensive investigation of the Ronen method in slab geometry,
    Nuclear Engineering and Technology 55(2), 734-748 [LINK] [PDF]

  5. A. Biton, E. Rabinovich, E. Gilad, 2022,
    Generalized correlation for onset flooding velocity in vertical channels,
    International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 138, 106366 [LINK] [PDF]

  6. C. Castagna and E. Gilad, 2022,
    Study of radionuclide inventory in nuclear fuel under uncertainties in boron concentration using high-fidelity models,
    International Journal of Energy Research, 46(6), 8007-8019 [LINK] [PDF]

  7. A. Yochelis, E. Gilad, Y. Nishiura, M. Silber, H. Uecker, 2021
    Special issue: Advances in pattern formation (Editorial),
    Physica D 415, 132769 [LINK] [PDF]

  8. D. Tomatis, R. Gross, E. Gilad, 2021,
    On the Ronen method in simple 1-D geometries,
    Journal of Computational and Theoretical Transport 50(2), 134-157 [LINK] [PDF]

  9. D. Ornai, S.M. Elkabets, Y. Kivity, G. Ben-Dor, L. Chadad, E. Gal, B. Tavron, E. Gilad, R. Levy, I.M. Shohet, 2020,
    A methodology of risk assessment, management and coping actions for Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) hit by high-explosive warheads,
    Advanced Engineering Informatics 46, 101192 [LINK] [PDF]

  10. D. Sivan, S. Kinast, S. Choi, V.  Seker, E. Gilad, C. Filippone, B. Kochunas, 2020,
    Linear Stability Analysis of HTR-like Micro-reactors,
    Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 122(1), 664-667 [PDF]

  11. R. Gross, D. Tomatis, E. Gilad, 2020, 
    High-accuracy neutron diffusion calculations based on integral transport theory,
    The European Physical Journal Plus (EPJ-P) 135(2), 235 [LINK] [PDF]

  12. P. Leconte, P. Archier, C. De Saint Jean, L. Fautrat, D. Foligno, B. Geslot, P. Tamagno, A. Zoia, R. Diniz, A. Dos Santos, E. Gilad, G. Truchet, 2020,
    New delayed neutron group constants and covariances for LWR core applications, combining summation calculations and integral experiments,
    Annals of Nuclear Energy 139, 107250 [LINK] [PDF]

  13. O. Tal, E. Israeli, P. Ravetto, E. Gilad, 2019,
    The adjoint problem as physical heuristic for loading pattern optimization,
    Annals of Nuclear Energy 134, 226-234 [LINK] [PDF]

  14. M. Margulis, P. Blaise, E. Gilad, 2019,
    Modeling representative Gen-IV molten fuel reactivity effects in the ZEPHYR ZPR – LFR analysis, 
    International Journal of Energy Research 43, 829-843 [LINK] [PDF]

    *** The front cover: [
    LINK] [PDF] ***

  15. M. Margulis, P. Blaise, F. Gabrielli, A. Gruel, F. Mellier, E. Gilad, 2019, 
    The path for innovative severe accident neutronics studies in ZPRs – Analysis of SNEAK-12B experiments for core disruption in LMFBRs, 
    Annals of Nuclear Energy 124, 119-131 [LINK] [PDF]

  16. M. Margulis and E. Gilad, 2018, 
    Simulations of SPERT-IV D12/15 transient experiments using the system code THERMO-T, 
    Progress in Nuclear Energy 109, 1-11 [LINK] [PDF 

  17. G. Heger, C. Dubi, A. Ocherashvili, A. Back, B. Pedersen, E. Gilad, 2018,
    Identifying neutron shielding in neutron multiplicity counting, 
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 901, 40-45 [LINK] [PDF 

  18. E. Israeli and E. Gilad, 2018,
    Novel genetic algorithm for loading pattern optimization based on core physics heuristics, 
    Annals of Nuclear Energy 118, 35-48 [LINK] [PDF 

  19. M. Margulis, P. Blaise, F. Mellier, E. Gilad, 2018,
    The path for innovative severe accident neutronics studies in ZPRs. Part II.2 – Impact of nuclear data uncertainties on reactivity changes of SNEAK-12B core, 
    Progress in Nuclear Energy 105, 124-135 [LINK] [PDF 

  20. M. Margulis, P. Blaise, E. Gilad, 2018,
    Modeling representative Gen-IV molten fuel reactivity effects in the ZEPHYR Fast/Thermal coupled ZPRs. Part I – Assembly Level, 
    International Journal of Energy Research 42, 1950-1972 [LINK] [PDF]

  21. E. Gilad, Y. Neumeier, C. Dubi, 2018,
    Dead time correction to the Feynman-Y curve using the backward extrapolation method, 
    Journal of Nuclear Science & Technology 55(2), 229-237  [LINK] [PDF 

  22. E. Gilad, B. Geslot, P. Blaise, C. Dubi, 2017,
    Sensitivity of power spectral density techniques to numerical parameters in analyzing neutron noise experiments, 
    Progress in Nuclear Energy 101, 288-298 [LINK] [PDF 

  23. C. Dubi, A. Kolin, B. Geslot, P. Blaise, E. Gilad, 2017,
    Experimental validation of analytic formulas for the statistical uncertainty in the Feynman-α method, 
    Annals of Nuclear Energy 106, 84-90 [LINK] [PDF 

  24. E. Israeli and E. Gilad, 2017,
    Novel genetic algorithms for loading pattern optimization using state-of-the-art operators and a simple test case, 
    ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science 3(3), 030901-(1-10) [LINK] [PDF 

  25. E. Gilad, C. Dubi, B. Geslot, P. Blaise, A. Kolin, 2017,
    Dead time corrections using the backward extrapolation method, 
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 854, 53-60 [LINK] [PDF]  

  26. M. Margulis, P. Blaise, F. Mellier, E. Gilad, 2017,
    The path for innovative severe accident neutronics studies in ZPRs. Part I.2 – Interpretation of SNEAK-12A experiment for core disruption in LMFBRs impact of nuclear data uncertainties on reactivity coefficients, 
    Progress in Nuclear Energy 96, 97-117 [
    LINK] [PDF 

  27. M. Margulis, P. Blaise, F. Gabrielli, A. Gruel, F. Mellier, E. Gilad, 2017,
    The path for innovative severe accident neutronics studies in ZPRs. Part I.1 – Analysis of SNEAK-12A experiments for core disruption in LMFBRs, 
    Progress in Nuclear Energy 94, 106-125 [LINK] [PDF 

  28. M. Margulis and E. Gilad, 2016,
    Development and verification of a dynamic system code THERMO-T for research reactor accident analysis, 
    Nuclear Technology 196(2), 377-395 [LINK] [PDF 

  29. T. Makmal, O. Aviv, E. Gilad, 2016,
    A simple gamma spectrometry method for evaluating the burnup of MTR-type HEU fuel elements, 
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 834, 175-182 [LINK] [PDF 

  30. M. Margulis and E. Gilad, 2016,
    Monte Carlo and nodal neutron physics calculations of the IAEA MTR benchmark using Serpent/DYN3D code system, 
    Progress in Nuclear Energy 88, 118-133 [LINK] [PDF 

  31. E. Gilad, O. Rivin, I. Yaar, H. Ettedgui, B. Geslot, A. Pepino, J. Di Salvo, A. Gruel, P. Blaise, 2015,
    Experimental estimation of the delayed neutron fraction βeff of the MAESTRO core in MINERVE zero power reactor, 
    Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 52(7-8), 1026-1033 [LINK] [PDF  

  32. E. Oster, E. Gilad, A. Feigel, 2015,
    Internet comments as a barometer of public opinion, 
    EPL 111, 28005(1-6) [LINK] [PDF]  

  33. Y. Ronen, M. Aboudy, D. Regev, E. Gilad, 2013,
    Proliferation Resistant Fuel for Pebble Bed Modular Reactors, 
    Nuclear Science and Engineering 175, 1-8 [LINK] [PDF 

  34. S. Funk, E. Gilad, V.A.A. Jansen, 2010, 
    Endemic disease, awareness, and local behavioral response, 
    Journal of Theoretical Biology 264, 501-509 [LINK] [PDF 

  35. S. Funk, E. Gilad, C. Watkins, V.A.A. Jansen, 2009, 
    The spread of awareness and its impact on epidemic outbreaks, 
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS) 106, 6872-6877 [LINK] [PDF 

  36. E. Sheffer, H. Yizhaq, E. Gilad, M. Shachak, E. Meron, 2007,
    Why do plants in resource-deprived environments form rings?, 
    Ecological Complexity 4, 192-200 [LINK] [PDF 

  37. E. Meron, H. Yizhaq, E. Gilad, 2007, 
    Localized structures in dryland vegetation: forms and functions, 
    Chaos 17, 037109-037109-9 [LINK] [PDF 

  38. E. Gilad and J. von Hardenberg, 2007,
    The effect of precipitation intermitency on vegetation patterns, 
    Geophysical Research Abstracts 9, 11161 [LINK] [PDF 

  39. E. Gilad, M. Shachak, E. Meron, 2007,
    Dynamics and spatial organization of plant communities in water-limited systems, 
    Theoretical Population Biology 72, 214-230 [LINK] [PDF 

  40. E. Gilad, J. von Hardenberg, A. Provenzale, M. Shachak, E. Meron, 2007,
    A mathematical model of plants as ecosystem engineers, 
    Journal of Theoretical Biology 244, 680-691 [LINK] [PDF 

  41. E. Gilad and J. von Hardenberg, 2006,
    A fast algorithm for convolution integrals with space and time variant kernels, 
    Journal of Computational Physics 216, 326-336 [LINK] [PDF 

  42. H. Yizhaq, E. Gilad, E. Meron, 2005,
    Banded vegetation: biological productivity and resilience, 
    Physica A 356, 139-144 [LINK] [PDF 

  43. E. Gilad, J. Von Hardenberg, A. Provenzale, M. Shachak, E. Meron, 2004,
    Ecosystem engineers: from pattern formation to habitat creation, 
    Physical Review Letters 93, 098105(1-4) [LINK] [PDF 
  44. E. Meron, E. Gilad, J. von Hardenberg, M. Shachak, Y. Zarmi, 2004,
    Vegetation patterns along a rainfall gradient, 
    Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 19, 367-376 [LINK] [PDF 

Conference proceedings

  1. S. Nissim, M. Brandis, O. Aviv, E. Gilad, L. Arazi,
    A coincidence-based alpha/beta(LS)- gamma(HPGe) system for very-low background radiation measurements,
    The International Topical Meeting on Industrial Radiation and Radioisotope Measurement Applications (IRRMA), July 23-28, 2023, Bologna, Italy.
  2. H. Abuzlf, C. Castagna, I. Neder, T. Makmal, O. Aviv, Z. Ungrais, G. Gavrielly, E. Gilad,
    High-fidelity neutronic analysis of highly localized power peaking near water gaps in the reactor core,
    The European Research Reactor Conference (RRFM), 16-20 April 2023, Antwerp, Belgium.
  3. I. Shohet, D. Ornai, Y. Kivity, E. Gilad, G. Shany, M. Levi-Zedek, B. Tavron, R. Levy,
    Risk analysis and management of underground tunneled SMR NPP against munitions' hits,
    Creative Construction Conference 2023, 20-23 June 2023, Keszthely, Lake Balaton, Hungary.
  4. J. Cufe, D. Tomatis, E. Gilad,
    On the accuracy of the Ronen method in plane geometry,
    The 27th International Conference on Transport Theory (ICTT-27), Bertinoro, Italy, July 10-16, 2022.
  5. A. Biton, E. Rabinovich, E. Gilad,
    Experimental study of flooding phenomenon in vertical tube and annular channels,
    The 19th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19), March 6-11, 2022, Virtual meeting.
  6. I.M. Shohet, S.M. Elkabets, D. Ornai, Y. Kivity, E. Gilad, R. Levy, G. Shani, M. Levi-Tzedek, B. Tavron, G. Ben-Dor,
    A methodology for risk assessment and management for SMR nuclear power plant hit by high explosive warheads,
    The virtual Creative Construction Conference 2020, 28th June-July 1st.

  7. D. Sivan, S. Kinast, S. Choi, V.  Seker, E. Gilad, C. Filippone, B. Kochunas,
    Linear Stability Analysis of HTR-like Micro-reactors,
    Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 122(1), pp. 664-667, Virtual Conference, June 8–11, 2020

  8. E. Proust, L.G. Williams, C. Ahnert, S. Bechta, H. Böck, L. Cizelj, F. Deconinck, A. Di Buono, E. Gilad, J. Klepáč, M.E. Ricotti, T. J. Schröder, T. Schulenberg, G. Steinhauser, A. Traichel, T. Troev, I. Turcu, J. Uhlir,
    The important role of nuclear in a low-carbon world: the view of the European Nuclear Society’s High Scientific Council, International Conference on Climate Change and the Role of Nuclear Power, 7–11 October 2019, Vienna, Austria.

  9. D. Tomatis, R. Gross, E. Gilad, 2019,
    On the Ronen method in simple 1-D problems,
    The 26th International Conference on Transport Theory (ICTT-26) Paris, France, September 23-27, 2019.

  10. D. Sivan, E. Gilad, S. Kinast, 2019,
    Frequency-Domain Stability Analysis of Reactivity Feedback Mechanisms,
    M&C 2019 – Bridging Theory and Applications, International Conference on Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering, 25-29 Aug., 2019, Portland, Oregon, USA.

  11. A. Biton, E. Rabinovich, R. Freud, E. Gilad, 2019,
    Experimental study of flooding phenomenon in vertical annular corrugated channels,
    The 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-18), August 18-22, 2019, Portland, Oregon, USA.

  12. I.M. Shohet, D. Ornai, R. Levy, S.M. Elkabets, G. Ben-Dor, E. Gilad, E. Gal, B. Tavron, and Y. Kivity, 2019,
    A methodology of risk assessment, management and coping actions for Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) hit by high-explosive warheads,
    The CIB World Congress 2019, 17-21 June, 2019. Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

  13. E. Israeli, E. Gilad, 2018,
    The adjoint problem as physical heuristic for loading pattern optimization,
    Special session on “advanced radiation transport theory and reactor physics methods”, 4th International Conference on Physics and Technology of Reactors and Applications (PHYTRA 4), Marrakech, Morocco, September 17-19, 2018.

  14. S.M. Elkabets, I.M. Shohet, D. Ornai, R. Levy, E. Gilad, Y. Kivity, L. Chadad, E. Gal, A. Schmerling, B. Tavron, G. Ben-Dor, and O. Vilnay, 2018,
    A methodology of risk assessment, management and coping actions for nuclear power plant hit by high explosive warheads,
    The 29th conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel, May 8-10, Herzliya, Israel.


  15. E. Gilad, Y. Neumeier, C. Dubi, 2018,
    Dead-time free higher moments of the count rate,
    The 29th conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel, Herzlia, 8-10 May 2018.


  16. R. Oren, I. Sabo, E. Gilad, 2018,
    Optimization of water extraction from soil enabling environmental measurements of tritium concentration in the soil using LSC,
    the 29th conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel, Herzlia, 8-10 May 2018.


  17. N. Fridman, E. Gilad, 2018,
    Comprehensive calculations of IRR1 fuel burnup,
    The 29th conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel (INS 2018), Daniel Hotel, Herzlia, 8-10 May 2018.

  18. Margulis, P. Blaise, E. Gilad, 2018,
    Sodium-Cooled fast reactor severe accident modeling in zero-power environment based on the representativity theory,
    The 29th conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel (INS 2018), Daniel Hotel, Herzlia, 8-10 May 2018.

  19. D. Ornai, S.M. Elkabets, I.M. Shohet, Y. Kivity, L. Chadad, E. Gilad, R. Levy, and E. Gal, 2018,
    Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) Vulnerability to Near Miss Munition Explosions - Dynamic Resistance and in-Structure Shock,
    The 29th conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel, May 8-10, Herzliya, Israel.

  20. M. Margulis, P. Blaise, F. Mellier, A. Gruel, G. Rimpault, F. Gabrielli, E. Gilad, 2018,
    SNEAK-12 Experiment – Two years of analysis,
    The 29th conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel (INS 2018), Daniel Hotel, Herzlia, 8-10 May 2018.

  21. C. Dubi, B. Geslot, P. Blaise, E. Gilad, 2018,
    Robust sampling of the Feynman variance to mean ratio,
    International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics (PHYSOR 2018): Reactor Physics Paving The Way Towards More Efficient Systems, April 22-26, 2018, Cancun, Mexico.

  22. M. Margulis, P. Blaise, E. Gilad, 2018,
    Modeling Representative Gen-IV Molten Fuel Reactivity Effects in the ZEPHYR Fast/Thermal Coupled ZPR,
    International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics (PHYSOR 2018): Reactor Physics Paving The Way Towards More Efficient Systems, April 22-26, 2018, Cancun, Mexico.

  23. Leconte, P. Archier, C. De Saint Jean, R. Diniz, A. Dos Santos, L. Fautrat, D. Foligno, B. Geslot, E. Gilad, P. Tamagno, G. Truchet, A. Zoia, 2018
    A Consistent Evaluation of Delayed Neutron Group Constants and Covariances For 235U And 238U using a Combination of Microscopic and Macroscopic Data,
    International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics (PHYSOR 2018): Reactor Physics Paving The Way Towards More Efficient Systems, April 22-26, 2018, Cancun, Mexico.

  24. M. Margulis, P. Blaise, E. Gilad, 2018,
    Surrogate-based optimization model of best representativity sodium fast reactor severe core accident reactivity effects in the ZEPHYR critical facility,
    RRFM 2018 – The European Research Reactor Conference, European Nuclear Society, Munich, Germany, 11-15 March 2018.

  25. E. Gilad and N. Fridman, 2018,
    Detailed burnup calculations of IRR1 fuel stockpile based on its comprehensive irradiation history,
    RRFM 2018 – The European Research Reactor Conference, European Nuclear Society, Munich, Germany, 11-15 March 2018.

  26. D. Ornai, I. M. Shohet, R. Levy, O. Vilnay, E. Gal, E. Gilad, Y. Kivity, G. Ben-Dor, B. Tavron, L. Chadad, A. SchmerlingS, and S.M. Elkabets, 2017,
    Nuclear Power Plant Vulnerability to Near Miss Munition Explosion,
    17th ISIEMS Conference, Bad Neuenahr, Germany, 2017.

  27. M. Margulis, P. Blaise, L. Buiron, E. Gilad, 2017,
    ZPR Core Representativity of SFR Reactivity Effects During Core Meltdown,
    ANS Winter Meeting & Expo, Generations in Collaboration: Building for Tomorrow, October 29-November 2, 2017, Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, D.C.

  28. M. Margulis, P. Blaise, G. Rimpault, E. Gilad, 2017,
    Interpretation of the SNEAK-12A/B Experimental Programs on Severe Core accidents in LMFBRs – Some Feedback on Nuclear Data re-Assimilation for the Prediction of Reactivity Changes,
    ICAPP 2017 – The International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, April 24-28, 2017 – Fukui and Kyoto (Japan).

  29. P. Blaise, M. Margulis, L. Buiron, G. Pruhlière, B. Fontaine, E. Gilad, 2017,
    Representativity Studies of ZEPHYR Fast/Thermal Coupled Cores for SFR-Like Reactivity Effects during Core Meltdown,
    CAPP 2017 – The International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, April 24-28, 2017 – Fukui and Kyoto (Japan).

  30. E. Israeli and E. Gilad, 2017,
    Novel Core Physics Heuristics in Advanced Genetic Algorithms for In-Core Fuel Management,
    M&C 2017 – International Conference on Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering, Jeju, Korea, April 16-20, 2017.

  31. E. Gilad, C. Dubi, B. Geslot, P. Blaise, 2017,
    Advanced Analysis of Subcritical Neutron Noise Experiments,
    M&C 2017 – International Conference on Mathematics & Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering, Jeju, Korea, April 16-20, 2017.

  32. E. Gilad, A. Kolin, O. Rivin, C. Dubi, B. Geslot, P. Blaise, 2016,
    Analysis of Critical and Subcritical Neutron Noise Experiments in MINERVE Using Advanced Noise Techniques,
    International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics (PHYSOR 2016): Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century American Nuclear Society, May 1-5, 2016, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA.

  33. M. Margulis, P. Blaise, E. Gilad, 2016,
    Monte Carlo Analysis of SNEAK-12A Core Disruption in Liquid-Metal Fast Breeder Reactors – The Path for Innovative Severe Accident Studies in ZPR,
    International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics (PHYSOR 2016): Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century American Nuclear Society, May 1-5, 2016, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA.

  34. C. Dubi, B. Geslot, P. Blaise, A. Kolin, H. Attedgui, E. Gilad, 2016,
    Dead Time Corrections using the Backward Extrapolation Technique,
    International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics (PHYSOR 2016): Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century, American Nuclear Society, May 1-5, 2016, Sun Valley, Idaho, USA.

  35. T. Makmal, O. Aviv, E. Gilad, 2016,
    A simple NDT Spectrometry Method for Burnup Evaluation of MTR-Type Fuel Assemblies,
    The 28th Conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel, 12-14 April 2016.

  36. M. Margulis, P. Blaise, E. Gilad, 2016,
    Monte Carlo Analysis of SNEAK-12A Core Disruption in LMFBRs – The Path for Innovative Severe Accident Studies in ZPR,
    The 28th Conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel, 12-14 April 2016.

  37. E. Israeli and E. Gilad, 2016,
    In-core Fuel Management using Genetic Algorithms,
    The 28th Conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel, 12-14 April 2016.

  38. C. Dubi, P. Blaise, B. Geslot, A. Kolin, O. Rivin, E. Gilad, 2016,
    Experimental Validation for the Analytic Estimation of the Expected Statistical Error in Feynman-Method,
    The 28th Conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel, 12-14 April 2016.

  39. M. Margulis and E. Gilad, 2016,
    Analysis of Protected Fast and Slow LOFA in Plate Type Research Reactors Using Coupled Neutronic Thermal-Hydraulics System Code,
    The 28th Conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel, 12-14 April 2016.

  40. M. Margulis and E. Gilad, 2016,
    IAEA MTR Benchmark Dynamic Reactivity Insertion Calculations using THERMO-T Code Package,
    The 28th Conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel, 12-14 April 2016.

  41. E. Gilad, A. Kolin, O. Rivin, C. Dubi, B. Geslot, P. Blaise, 2016,
    Exploring Neutron Noise Techniques II: subcritical Experiment Analysis,
    The 28th Conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel, 12-14 April 2016.

  42. E. Gilad, A. Kolin, O. Rivin, C. Dubi, B. Geslot, P. Blaise, 2016,
    Exploring Neutron Noise Techniques I: Critical Experiment Analysis,
    The 28th Conference of the Nuclear Societies in Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel, 12-14 April 2016.

  43. M. Margulis, P. Blaise, E. Gilad, 2016,
    Advanced small and large core distortions modeling in ZPR to assess core recriticality scenarios of SFR core degradation sequences,
    RRFM/IGORR 2016 – The European Research Reactor Conference, European Nuclear Society, Berlin, Germany, 13-17 March 2016.

  44. M. Margulis and E. Gilad, 2016,
    A Comparison of THERMO-T System Code with Experimental Data from the SPERT-IV D12/15 Series,
    RRFM/IGORR 2016 – The European Research Reactor Conference, European Nuclear Society, Berlin, Germany, 13-17 March 2016.

  45. M. Margulis and E. Gilad, 2015,
    IAEA MTR Benchmark Static Calculations using Serpent and DYN3D Codes,
    International Conference on Research Reactors: Safe Management and Effective Utilization, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria, 16–20 November 2015.

  46. T. Makmal, O. Aviv, E. Gilad, 2015,
    A simple NDT Spectrometry Method for Burnup Evaluation of MTR-Type Fuel Assemblies,
    International Conference on Research Reactors: Safe Management and Effective Utilization, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria, 16–20 November 2015.

  47. M. Margulis and E. Gilad, 2015,
    Analysis of protected RIA and LOFA in plate type research reactor using coupled neutronics TH system code,
    NURETH16 – 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-hydraulics, American Nuclear Society, August 30-September 4, 2015, H
    yatt Regency, Chicago, Il, USA.

  48. E. Gilad, O. Rivin, I. Yaar, H. Ettedgui, B. Geslot, A. Pepino, J. Di Salvo, A. Gruel, P. Blaise, 2014,
    Estimation of the Delayed Neutron Fraction βeff of the MAESTRO Core in MINERVE Zero Power Reactor,
    International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics (PHYSOR 2014): The Role of Reactor Physics toward a Sustainable Future Kyoto, Japan, Sep. 28th-Oct. 3rd, 2014.

  49. Y. Ronen, M. Aboudy, D. Regev, E. Gilad, 2012,
    Proliferation Resistant Fuel for Pebble Bed Modular Reactors,
    International Topical Meeting on Advances in Reactor Physics (PHYSOR 2012): Linking Research, Industry, and Education, American Nuclear Society, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, April 15-20.

  50. E. Gilad, J. von Hardenberg, E. Meron, M Shachak, Y. Zarmi, 2004,
    A Dynamical System Approach to Aridity and Desertification,
    Eds.: D.J. Bergman and E. Inan. Kluwer, In: Contin
    uum Models and Discrete Systems, Proceedings of the Nato ARW, Shoresh, Israel, 30/6-4/7, 2003, Academic Publishers – 405-418.

Refereed chapters in collective volumes

  1. Meron, E. Gilad, J. von Hardenberg, A. Provenzale, M. Shachak, 2007,
    Model studies of ecosystem engineering in plant communities,
    Eds: Cuddington, K. Byers, J. Hastings, A. and W. Wilson,
    Ecosystem engineers: Plants to protists, Academic Press –
    Theoretical Ecology Series 4, 229-251.

  2. Meron and E. Gilad, 2007,
    Dynamics of plant communities in drylands: a pattern formation approach,
    Eds: B. Blasius, J. Kurths, L. Stone,
    Complex Population Dynamics: Nonlinear Modeling in Ecology,
    Epidemiology and Genetics
    World-Scientific Lecture Notes in Complex Systems – 49-
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