Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate Roy Gross on his admission into the advanced studies program at the Unit of Nuclear Engineering at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev.
Roy’s research deals with the development of a highly accurate neutron diffusion code based on physical quantities derived from the integral neutron transport equation. In his Ph.D. research, conducted under the supervision of Dr. Erez Gilad of the Unit of Nuclear Engineering @ BGU, Roy is studying and developing an innovative methodology for calculating improved diffusion coefficients for the multidimensional multigroup neutron diffusion equation using accurate relations between the neutron flux and the neutron current density derived from the integral form of neutron transport equation (Boltzmann equation).
This research subject is a development and expansion of a hypothesis published in 2004 by Prof. (Emeritus) Yigal Ronen, which was later revisited and demonstrated for homogeneous one-dimensional systems. Roy’s research extends this hypothesis to various geometries (in e.g., spherical and cylindrical coordinate systems), two- and three-dimensional systems, and to an arbitrary number of energy groups.
Good Luck Roy!